Riverstone offers an extensive portfolio of assessments instruments.
Here are some FAQ’s about our assessment practice:

Assessments help us to accelerate our learning about ourselves and others by providing a scientifically reliable “mirror” through which to see the other person.
We only employ scientifically validated assessment tools. Each tool is designed for a specific purpose and we only use them for that purpose. We do not attempt to infer observations from our tools that they were never designed to make. We believe that assessments provide excellent information but should never be the single source for decision making in any area of professional practice.
One of the greatest abuses in the use of instruments is to overextend their application past what they are designed for. Therefore, it is important to use the right instrument for the right purpose. Just like a carpenter or a surgeon have an extensive set of tools to use based on the need at hand, so do we.
Unfortunately, no. The sad truth is that some very popular assessments have no basis in science and therefore cannot be validated. We believe that it is unethical to use these assessments for hiring or promotion decisions. Furthermore, assessments that are not scientifically validated can set a company up for legal challenges.

Yes. Even though they are neutral on their face and applied to all applicants or employees, assessments can disproportionately excludes members of a demographic group. This is called “adverse impact” or “disparate impact.” You should always ask an assessment provider for their adverse impact study to prove their assessments do not knowingly or unknowingly discriminate. None of TTISI’s assessments show adverse impact as defined by the US Department of Labor. Click here to download TTISI’s latest adverse impact study report.

Yes. Assessments are designed to only measure a finite number of variables. Human beings are infinitely complex. Therefore, the best the assessment can be is accurate, not exact.
The rule of thumb is “right tool, right application.” Assessments need to be used in the right application or their validity is suspect. As well, many tools, especially the DISC and other behavioral tools, are based on the behaviors of “normal, healthy people.” They may not accurately assess people who are suffering from emotional or behavioral disorders or engage in activities that adversely affect behavior.

Our Assessment Partner – TTI Success Insights

Global Leadership

TTISI is the global leader in providing highly researched and validated assessments to corporations big and small. Since 1984 more than 100,000 companies have completed over 30 million assessments worldwide. TTI assessments have been used in 115 countries and are administered in 47 different languages.

Multiple Sciences

Human beings are, by nature, complicated. Evaluating only one aspect of a person can lead to erroneous or incomplete conclusions. That is why TTISI believes in using multiple sciences to fully understand someone. TTI’s assessments can evaluate behavioral style, motivators and driving forces, skills and competencies, business acumen and EQ. Riverstone helps its clients understand exactly which assessments are needed to address your needs, whether they be selection, professional development, teambuilding or a host of other applications.

Multiple Assessments

Trimetrix© DNA: The Trimetrix© DNA assessment combines three key sciences: Behavioral Style (DISC), Driving Forces and Competencies/Skills. This combination provides the most insightful assessment report available anywhere. It is the foundation of Riverstone’s Superior Fit Process. Click here to see a sample report.

Click here to request a free Trimetrix Assessment


The DISC is the world’s most popular behavioral assessment. TTI’s version of the DISC is the most faithful to the original work of William Marston available in the market today and has been validated utilizing brain activity analysis. Click here to see a sample report.

Click here to request a free DISC Assessment

Talent Insights

The Talent Insights Assessment combines the sciences of DISC and Driving Forces. The assessment evaluates the level and direction of drive and motivation in twelve key areas. Talent Insights is an outstanding coaching, teambuilding, and selection/hiring tool. Click here to see a sample report.

Click here to request a free Talent Insights Assessment

Talent Insights Team Report

The Talent Insights Team Report provides over 50 pages of information about a teams behavioral and motivational makeup. It can be used for improving team effectiveness, as a guide for leading a team or as a roadmap to better team communications. The best part is the report is evergreen – you pay for it once and update it for free any time the team composition changes. Click here to see a sample report.

Tell me more about the Talent Insights Team Report

EQ (Emotional Intelligence)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to accurately identify emotional information and use it to guide thinking and behavior. Based on the work of Daniel Goleman, the EQ assessment evaluates emotional intelligence in the five areas identified by Goleman in his seminal book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Click here to see a sample report.

Click here to request a free EQ Assessment

Superior Fit™ Process for Hiring & Selection

Riverstone’s Superior Fit™ Process helps you to identify exactly what you’re looking for in a candidate. We call them Superior Performance Factors. We then compare a candidate’s assessment results against those Superior Performance Factors to help you determine whether a candidate can be successful in the position you are trying to fill.

I want to talk about the Superior Fit™ Process