Are you Solid and Well-Rounded?

We believe the character of an organization and its leaders must be solid. We believe an organization and its people need to be well-rounded to meet the challenges of today’s world. If you agree, we should talk.

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Riverstone Organizational Advisors, Inc.

You are only a few steps away from performing at levels you never thought possible.

1. Let’s Talk

Give us a call or click “I’m Interested” to set up a time to talk.

2. Let’s Plan

There are no cookie cutter approaches to success. We will listen, ask a lot of questions and get to know the uniqueness of your organization. Our plan will reflect your needs while honoring your uniqueness.

3. Let’s Go to Work

Our goal is always to teach and coach to a point where your improvements are tangible and sustainable. Throughout our engagements, we work to make sure you are self-sufficient so when we leave, the gains continue on.

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Be Solid and Well-Rounded.

It is more than a tag line to us. It is the fundamental approach we take with our clients. We call it The Riverstone Way. There is much to be learned from studying the namesake of our firm – the riverstone. We have derived four applications that we apply to our practice:

Riverstone Centers of Excellence

ROA is a leadership consulting practice focused on serving, teaching, and challenging organizations and individuals to perform better than ever thought possible. We define leadership as “the process by which the best in us becomes the best in us.” We have a reputation for taking leaders on a “deep dive” into their own character and values and how that translates to team and corporate leadership. We have a driving passion to help our clients define, transform and articulate cultures that are very intentional about corporate character and core values.

We have decades of experience in the use of assessments for hiring, promotion and professional development. We are one of the top VAA’s (distributors) of TTI Success Insights portfolio of assessment solutions. TTISI is the global leader in highly validated and accurate assessment tools.

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Riverstone’s Founder

Naval Academy graduate. Decorated Naval officer. College professor. Manufacturing manager. Director of Training & Development. Entrepreneur. Trusted advisor to hundreds of senior leaders. Phil Begley has spent a lifetime studying and practicing leadership. He wants to share what he’s learned along the way with you.” Kinda corny but it’s all true…

About Riverstone Organizational Advisors

Established in 1994, Riverstone has served thousands of companies and help develop thousands of leaders. We are seasoned practitioners and consultants with over 40 years’ experience teaching and practicing leadership. We teach values based leadership and develop leaders who emanate character and integrity. We take the same approach organizationally, believing that organizational character is the key determinant of corporate culture. For more than a quarter century, this has been our purpose and our calling. When you partner with Riverstone, you receive a quality of service and delivery that is as good or better than the mega-firms without the price tag or hassle. You will find our approach to consulting is refreshingly frank and we guarantee our work.

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Our Purpose

Our purpose is to serve, teach, and challenge individuals and
organizations to perform so that the best in them becomes the best from them.

Our Approach

Our approach to serving your needs is not complicated. We do not have an overly complex consulting model that we follow. We do not prescribe, or even have, a packaged approach to any of your organizational issues. After all, you didn’t buy your organization “off the shelf.” Therefore, the answers to your challenges can no more be turnkey than the organization is. We have a solid set of tools that we use to help craft your unique organizational response to its unique challenges.

In the same way no one would accept medical treatment from a doctor that has never diagnosed their symptoms, no one should accept generic solutions from consultants. To us, that means we must know your organization’s purpose, markets, products and services, organizational structure, history, reporting structures and relationships, and even the politics of the organization.

Furthermore, we need to know your challenges, both internal and external, and then articulate a set of desired outcomes for any role that we might play in helping meet those challenges.

Most consulting firms focus on fixing broken organizations. Because they do, they have a vested interest in telling you how “sick” you are. The truth is that profitable companies do most things right, not wrong. We are interested in defining, identifying and developing superior performance with you, not engaging in the self-fulfilling prophecy that we “fixed” you.

We ask for two things from your organization’s leadership. Upfront, we ask you to commit to support our efforts without reservation. Productive change will not — and cannot – occur until the leadership cadre is committed to taking actions that will ensure the changes are fully implemented and supported. Second, we ask them to lead by example by focusing on superior leadership performance before focusing on the rest of the organization’s capabilities.

As we work in your organization, our objective is twofold. First, we focus on the reasons for the engagement. Second, we want to build an internal capability that is sustainable far beyond the day of our last training session or onsite visit.

Our Values

Honesty begins with self and the personal values of each individual. Honesty is the cornerstone on which trust and productive relationships are built. We believe in open, honest communication and relationships. We shoot straight with those with whom we interact and expect the same in return. At the same time, we believe that honesty without compassion is brutality. Therefore, we believe that caring and honesty must go hand in hand.

We believe in hard work. Not just labor, but fruitful, productive work. Productive work is a key to self-worth, responsibility, and accountability. There are few examples of people who built something enduring who did not work hard to achieve their success. The conventional wisdom says “work smarter, not harder.” We believe in doing both.

We believe there is great worth in every human being. Every job, every task, and every interaction should respect the individual’s worth and dignity, regardless of the circumstances. All higher forms of human behavior are rooted in the recognition of and respect for individual dignity and worth.

We believe successful people and organizations have passion for what they do. They create a sense of excitement about belonging and participating in their endeavors because they care deeply about those things that have lasting meaning. For too long, managers and leaders have been taught to be “dispassionate professionals.” This separation of our humanity from our work has caused great harm to organizations. To bring out the best in people, leaders must bring out people’s passions and leverage them for the greater good.


We chose Riverstone’s leadership process because, quite frankly, it was just better than the one offered by the Babcock School of Business at Wake Forest.

Director of Dealer Development

I’ve been through a lot of leadership programs, but none compare to Riverstone’s process in terms of depth, personal challenge and engagement.

EHS Manager

With the help of Riverstone and their Superior Fit Process, we were able to identify and select a very talented sales team for a new division of the company.

National Business Manager

We consider Phil an adjunct member of our Leadership Team. His contribution to our growth and success has been invaluable.

Business Owner

Phil has a gift for engaging every member of a training class. There is never a dull moment when he teaches.

Participant, Leadership Development

We’ve gone from being suspicious of assessments to the point where we won’t make a hiring decision without Riverstone’s analysis of the results.

Vice President, HR

Best training in my 25 years in the industry.

Participant, Behavioral Selling Workshop


Why Your Organization Should Choose Riverstone Organizational Advisors


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And more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
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Certifications & Affiliations

  • TTISI DISC Certified
  • TTISI Driving Forces Certified
  • TTISI Trimetrix HD Certified

  • Certified Provider of the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
  • Certified Facilitator of InsideOut Coaching
  • Certified Facilitator in Paradigm Learning’s Zodiak Business Simulation
  • Certified Facilitator of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Value Adding Associate (Distributor) of TTI Success Insights Assessments
  • Corporate Contributor to Neighborhood Focus
  • Corporate Contributor to Upstate Warrior Solution